Saturday 3 September 2011

Scalloped dishcloth

Now that we have a freezer instead of a dishwasher, I decided it was about time that I knitted us a dishcloth. I was just going to knit a plain garter stitch square, but then I remembered seeing dishcloth patterns on Ravelry that were pretty. I picked this one, as I thought the scallops might be interesting to knit. They were! :) I think the scallop pattern is so pretty that it would also make a lovely scarf if you used a pretty yarn. The yarn I used is Wendy's dishcloth cotton. The Ravelry pattern page is here. :)
Ashley x


  1. Very pretty! Knit several while you are still in the groove, that way you don't have to hurry and finish one as the last one falls apart. My mom used to crochet some every year, but now she doesn't have the time.

    I'm just in shock that you were willing to give up your dishwasher. I don't think I could do it.

  2. Thanks :) Good idea! I think I'll choose a new pattern so we have different ones :)
    Haha, well there are only two of us, so there isn't really much washing up to do. One of us will wash while the other dries and puts away. So not too bad :)
    Ashley x


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